
幸运168飞艇官方开奖历史直播-168飞艇全国统一开奖结果-极速赛车168开奖官网开奖记录 About EDIIIE - Virtual Reality Company

Experts in designing Innovative, Interactive and Immersive experiences (EDIIIE), we are one of the largest virtual reality companies offering AR, VR and MR solutions. Our expertise as a specialised virtual reality company lies in creating customized immersive solutions for your business needs. With technology in the vanguard, our aim is to ensure exceptional quality and satisfaction through our AR, VR and MR services.


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We are a pioneering virtual reality company and specialise in designing and developing industry experiences that are highly interactive, immersive and insightful. Our in house talent and use of cutting-edge technology differentiates us from other virtual reality companies.

Our unparalleled services and industry solutions are powered by cutting-edge technology that spans the following services:

Augmented Reality Icon

Augmented Reality

An enhanced and real-time amalgamation of digital information and components with the user’s physical world.

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Virtual Reality Icon

Virtual Reality

As a virtual reality company- we ensure commitment with cutting-edge technology, we commit to providing you the best.

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Mixed reality icon

Mixed Reality

Taking AR a step further, Mixed Reality creates a dimension where real and digital objects co-exist and interact.

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Gamification Icon

Game Development

The process of creating a new reality via a game interface with realistically designed avatars, setups and a narrative.

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Animation Icon


A visual communication technique that captures sequential, static images in rapid succession to depict real-world motion.

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SaaS development

SaaS Development

A cloud-based software licensing method that delivers the application to remote clients on a subscription basis.

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168飞艇开奖结果查询官网-幸运飞行艇168体彩官方开奖历史记录-飞艇168官网开奖计划数据 A sneak peek into the digital experience

Thumbs Up

We ensure commitment

Armed with cutting edge technology and constant innovation we commit to provide you with nothing but the best.

Thumbs Up

We Impart Quality AR VR Services

Our aim is to surpass every benchmark in what we do, when it comes to quality.

Thumbs Up

We Provide Satisfaction

Constantly aiming, adapting and achieving, we leave no stone unturned in providing you with utmost satisfaction.


Work Showcase

Some of our award winning and breakthrough work across industries as pioneers in the space of AR, VR, MR, Game development and Animations.

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A glimpse into the industry expertise, insights, innovations as well as our business capabilities.

Partners that trust our services

And in turn we revolutionize technology and ideas for them


What our clients say

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